James 1:22

jam1.22.001James says to rid ourselves of distractions (v. 21), be quick to listen (v. 19)  and receive the Word (v. 21).

The idea here is that we not remain listeners only. The word James uses for hearers is ἀκροατής (akroates – noun). This is a word used of people coming to hear a public speaker. It could also refer to a disciple or pupil. An audience.

The other verb in the verse is the word prove and it is in the imperative mood, therefore we should see it as a command. This word could be translated ‘come into being’ or ‘become’.  What are we to become? We are to become doers of the Word. The word used for doers (noun) is very interesting.  In Acts 17:28 it is translated ‘poet’. The famous Greek poet was called a doer. It was used for the composer of music, the painter, the author of a speech, the deliverer of it, the inventor as well to describe a workman. It apparently was a title given to performers, to the genuine article as it were. The doer is placed in contrast to a person in the audience who merely entertains the notion of being a performer in his mind. This person is deluded. Interestingly, Paul makes use of these same words in Romans for justification (saved from the penalty of sin).

for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. Romans 2:13

By faith in Christ (who was the perfect doer of the law), we are identified by God as doers as well since He sees us in Christ. The person who has trusted by faith in Jesus Christ alone for his salvation becomes identified with Christ and is therefore a doer of the law (righteous).

James is making use of these words to show us that sanctification (for the believer) is similar. We should become doers, performers or speakers of the word and not merely one of the audience.

The person who takes this verse with an incorrect understanding, will end up trying to do good works for God. The verse is not saying this. We should realize that those of the audience (hearers) merely come to observe the performer (doer). They are entertained and can pretend to be something by watching the doer but they aren’t the doer. There is a difference between one of the audience and the performer.

As you come to spend time with God and through a growing understanding of His Word, He will renew your mind to an understanding of who He has declared you to be. This is your new reality, who you really are. You were not reborn to be part of the audience but to perform. God wants to use you and He will if you walk by faith in Christ and His work, declaring you His child.

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