Daniel 1:8

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Daniel 1:8

At first glance this passage might not appear to be very exciting. However there is much being implied in the context. King Nebuchadnezzar just captured these young people from Judah (Israel) and took them captive to Babylon. His purpose was so that he could utilize these young captives for his purposes. The interesting thing about it is the genius behind his modus operandi. He’s going to teach them the literature and language of the land for three years and for most everyone, this meant becoming an oficial to the king. 

Daniel, however, made the choice of not defiling himself with the beauties and splendors of Babylon because he had be TAUGHT the ways of Yahweh from his youth at home in Judah. There’s nothing wrong with the king’s choice food and excellent wine. Probably the best in the land. The very word used for choice food is one of Persian origin speaking of delicacy or dainty – the finest cuisine! Only one detail, Daniel learned early in life that God wanted them to walk in a unique way, under His set of standards.
What? Daniel is going to give up this excellent opportunity (no to mention loosing his head) and accept being the weird guy just because he had been taught that God said it was not right? Clearly Daniel understood that what the king was offering them was against God’s wishes and he determined not to defile himself.

Unfortunately today presents us with all kinds of opportunity and many are not seeing the present danger and deception that Satan himself uses.
Many are being tricked by the greatness and splendor this world has to offer. It seems to me that bible ignorance is what is prevalent today. We are living a spiritual dark ages because of ignorance (unaware) of what God’s wishes are for us as believers.
How to be like Daniel? I assure you it’s not determination or being confident about yourself. I assure you it’s not about doing your best. It occurs by allowing ourselves to be transformed by the renewing of our minds which only occurs when we are TAUGHT by the Scriptures. Renewal of mind signifies a continual change of mind, a constant revamping of our mindset and changes who we are.
This is so important to today’s war for the mind. Who are we allowing to teach us? What is the source? Can it be confirmed as truth? Is it objective truth? Is it good and for our growth? It will signify how you make decisions. It can save you from doing things which would defile yourself and ultimately affect your fellowship with God and man.
My we grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.