Romans 11:6

It's a beautiful crisp morning here on Campobello!  
We have heard these cliche's many times; not by works, it's only by grace. 
I'm sure the Jews had heard cliche's like these as well and were sure they had it figured out. 

In Romans chapter 11, Paul is wanting the believers in Rome to understand that God has not rejected his people (ethnic Jews). In chapter 10:2-3 he had stated: 
"For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God." 

We see here two forms of righteousness. The Jews own form and God's. 
They were correct to seek righteousness. They even had a 'zeal for God'! 
Yet by what means, on what basis were they seeking to attain it? They lacked full discernment (knowledge) and so were seeking good on the basis of works. 

God has established a means to be made righteous. Yet it is not on the basis of performance. It is not on the basis of our own seeking or design. 


For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Eph 2:8-9

Grace = gift basis. If it is by means of a gift it cannot be attained by self improvement or performance since that would mean it is a payment and no longer a gift. 

Works = labour basis. The person who works is owed his wages. His wage is not a gift but what is due to him. 

Grace is 100% gifted, not 90% gift and 10% gratitude owed. Grace is not received upon my gratefulness. It is not IF grace THEN. Grace comes with no strings attached - come as you are trusting in God's promise provision (Jesus Christ).  Anything other than 100% grace is no longer grace but works and therefore requires the debt which is owed to be paid for in full and cannot be received until it is finished. 

The means by which we receive righteousness matters!  One is guaranteed and promised on delivery for eternity. The other is guaranteed to fail. 

On the basis of what are you standing today? It's a matter of life and death!It’s a beautiful crisp morning here on Campobello!
We have heard these cliche’s many times; not by works, it’s only by grace.
I’m sure the Jews had heard cliche’s like these as well and were sure they had it figured out.

In Romans chapter 11, Paul is wanting the believers in Rome to understand that God has not rejected his people (ethnic Jews). In chapter 10:2-3 he had stated: 
“For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.” 

We see here two forms of righteousness. The Jews own form and God’s.
They were correct to seek righteousness. They even had a ‘zeal for God’!
Yet by what means, on what basis were they seeking to attain it? They lacked full discernment (knowledge) and so were seeking good on the basis of works.

God has established a means to be made righteous. Yet it is not on the basis of performance. It is not on the basis of our own seeking or design.


For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Eph 2:8-9

Grace = gift basis. If it is by means of a gift it cannot be attained by self improvement or performance since that would mean it is a payment and no longer a gift.

Works = labour basis. The person who works is owed his wages. His wage is not a gift but what is due to him.

Grace is 100% gifted, not 90% gift and 10% gratitude owed. Grace is not received upon my gratefulness. It is not IF grace THEN. Grace comes with no strings attached – come as you are trusting in God’s promise provision (Jesus Christ). Anything other than 100% grace is no longer grace but works and therefore requires the debt which is owed to be paid for in full and cannot be received until it is finished.

The means by which we receive righteousness matters! One is guaranteed and promised on delivery for eternity. The other is guaranteed to fail.

On the basis of what are you standing today? It’s a matter of life and death!